TWI Metrics
What is the objective of Job Instruction Training and Development?
Job Instruction Training is the way to get a person to quickly remember how to do a job correctly, safely and conscientiously. It was initially designed to train supervisors or lead operators to instruct fellow employees in jobs with which they were familiar. It was recognized that although someone might be expert in a given task, there is no assurance that the employee could successfully transfer that knowledge to another. Participants are trained how to break down a job so that it can be easily taught. Also, each participant must demonstrate the training method in front of the group since “learning by doing” is a principle of TWI. As employees use the Job Instruction Method, they realize that the program not only has them create standard work but also leads them to use it.
At the conclusion of the training program, participants are asked to complete a survey by marking a scale from 10 (satisfied) to 1 (dissatisfied.) in several categories. The following averages were taken from 239 respondents:
Overall satisfaction with JI Training: 9.1 out of 10
Satisfaction with Applicability to your job: 9.0 out of 10
Satisfaction with the instructor: 9.5 out of 10
Would you recommend JIT to others in your organization? 237 out of 239 said yes
Some comments include:
- We should have done this years ago so all of us [would be doing] jobs the same way.
- It is the only way we have found to implement standard work.
- I was a little skeptical at first, but now I know the importance of standrad work.
- The process will have huge benefits at [our organization.] I am certainly looking forward to seeing it spread.
- [JIT] makes the work simple. Spend less time training and more time helping others.
- Very efficient method for standardizing work
- [an] excellent tool – I can see how it will help me right away.
- No job is too complex [for JIT.] [JIT] makes it easy
- [including the] engineering staff so when they ask manufacturing to do new steps they can present it more clearly.
- It made me realize how many people who work here do not know how to train…period!
- Everyone teaches and needs to know how to teach] and the easiest way [to do it.]
- [JIT] gives us a usable vehicle to get standardized work accomplished.
- The ability to transfer knowledge is a very powerful tool.
- [JIT helps] to get everyone on the same page.
- [JIT helps] to make people understand there jobs better, and [become more] confident.
- It could improve almosteverty aspect of our every day jobs.
- I believe it is a very powerful training tool; the simplicity and effect are great. Don’t overwhelm!
- [JIT will help us] to gain consistency within the workplace.
- [JIT is important] because everyone should know how to train others properly and effectively.
- [JIT is important] because it makes training much easier.
- [JIT] is a nice, simple method for providing training to all people.